Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kicker Session at Jones Ridge

I've had this idea for two years now; to have a kicker session in our yard.
We finally got enough snow to pile together in the yard and make it happen!
I invited a bunch of friends and the neighbor kids came over too!
Was a fun time for sure! I hope the snow keeps falling!
I have another idea for a jump at the bottom of the runway.

**Speacial thanks to my father in-law Bud for letting me borrow his snow blower.
It helped to throw snow on the rock stairs that became the landing for the jump.**

Jake Mattes doing "trail maintenance" of the Bonsai.

Dr. Hughes checking out the jump.

Jake buttering out the drop in.

Dr. Brandon Hughes rocking the Method air.

B-rady Phillips getting some nice air.

Uncle Jordan proving to himself he still can hold his own - barley- with a 180 Indy grab.

Cameron going Tindy Air.

Daniel "The Neighbor Kid" scaring Uncle Jordan. These kids were totally a flashback to when I was their age!

Ingvar "The Other Neighbor Kid" spinning a backside air. This kid asked me if he could jump into the juniper bushes. I told him I didn't mind as long as he didn't impale himself and sue me. He didn't.

I had to put this one in. Ella LOVED going off the jump! She laughed so hard.

John with the roast beef.

Jake with a strait air.

Brandon trying to shine a little more light on the subject.We needed a couple more lights to make it work - next time.
Check out Amy's Christmas post on the next page. This post was longer than I thought it would be.


Anonymous said...

It was truly a rad environment. Again soon. P.S. your kids are too dang cute.

We Are The Jones' said...

Thanks! I'm hoping the snow stays around for a couple more weeks so we can get a few more sessions in!

Linz said...

So I am not sure what all of the snowboarding terms mean...but they look cool!